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Load Your Webpage 34% Faster In Any Browser!!

A new research by the developers of MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab and Harvard University has developed a tool that will help the webpages of a website to load 34% faster on any browser and the tool/system is known as "POLARIS".

Currently the problem with the website is that if you have to load a webpage the browser first fetches all the objects such as HTML files,images and the most important javascript related t that file,each object has to be evaluate before it can be added to he display.

The problem is that each of these objects are dependent on each other means that,whenever your bowser evaluate a object it also has to fetch its corresponding object will which also have its own dependencies.

The tool("POLARIS") will reduce page-load time that has been a perpetual carrot and stick for the web developers from past years.It will create a virtual map of all the elements that are required to load on a webpage, which is including all types of the fonts,javascripts and web page formatting that will required to make a webpages.This will save the browser time to spend on mapping of the different objects related to the same webpage and saving the browser time to mapping up of those objects.

The "POLARIS" is made from core javascript which means that it can able to run on almost any web functional browser,the tool also be able to determine how to overlap the downloading of a web page objects so that the overall page must require less time to load to the browser.

MIT researchers/developers also added that:-

“For a Web browser, loading all of a page’s objects is like visiting all of the cities,Polaris effectively gives you a list of all the cities before your trip actually begins. It’s what allows the browser to load a webpage more quickly.”

Written by

Vaibhav Dhiman is a student,learner and freelance developer.


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